Our Services
India Entry/Engagement strategy
To advise the customer about Indian Ecosystem in terms of Vendor capabilities, Demand Potential, doing business with India, statutory compliance
India Vendor Development
Understanding and documenting Customer needs, Search for vendor, Due diligence on capabilities, capacity and track record, Finding right fit, customer/Vendor engagement and customer/vendor contract signing.
Company formation and statutory compliance
For the customer wishing to set up India operations, provide services for creating India Business Entity. Starting from Company formation, statutory permissions, company law, income tax, GST, import and other compliances.
Partner Search
Based on Customer Needs we manage the entire process of identifying possible partners – these could be Distributors, Manufacturers, maybe a Supply Chain Specialist or even a Joint Venture possibility
Incubation of India operations
Help companies start India Operations with Low cost but full service. Will provide office and organisation infrastructure and India business knowledge. Based on company business model, help companies develope the Procurment Ecosystems from India or sale, marketing and distribution in India. As and when operation reaches the desired size we help customers set up its own operations.
Merger and Acquisitions
Entire procedures and compliances of Merger and Acquisition keeping in mind customer objectives. Shareholding agreements as per the Indian Companies Act and compliance with Transfer Pricing, GAAR, POEM and other mandatory requirements

Bespoke custom solutions

Build, operate and transfer India office

Statutory and regulatory compliance

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